mochawesome-report-generator (marge)

marge (mochawesome-report-generator) is the counterpart to mochawesome, a custom reporter for use with the Javascript testing framework, mocha. Marge takes the JSON output from mochawesome and generates a full fledged HTML/CSS report that helps visualize your test suites.
- Simple, clean, and modern design
- Support for test and suite nesting
- Displays before and after hooks
- Review test code inline
- Stack trace for failed tests
- Support for adding context information to tests
- Filters to display only the tests you want
- Responsive and mobile-friendly
- Offline viewing
- CLI for generating reports independent of mochawesome
Usage with mochawesome
- Add Mochawesome to your project:
npm install --save-dev mochawesome
- Tell mocha to use the Mochawesome reporter:
mocha testfile.js --reporter mochawesome
- If using mocha programatically:
var mocha = new Mocha({
reporter: 'mochawesome'
CLI Usage
Install mochawesome-report-generator package
npm install -g mochawesome-report-generator
Run the command
marge [options] data_file [data_file2 ...]
marge generates the following inside your project directory:
├── assets
│ ├── app.css
│ ├── app.js
│ ├── MaterialIcons-Regular.woff
│ ├── MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2
│ ├── roboto-light-webfont.woff
│ ├── roboto-light-webfont.woff2
│ ├── roboto-medium-webfont.woff
│ ├── roboto-medium-webfont.woff2
│ ├── roboto-regular-webfont.woff
│ └── roboto-regular-webfont.woff2
└── mochawesome.html
CLI Flags
marge can be configured via the following command line flags:
Flag | Type | Default | Description |
-f, --reportFilename | string | | Filename of saved report |
-o, --reportDir | string | [cwd]/mochawesome-report | Path to save report |
-t, --reportTitle | string | mochawesome | Report title |
-p, --reportPageTitle | string | mochawesome-report | Browser title |
-i, --inline | boolean | false | Inline report assets (scripts, styles) |
--cdn | boolean | false | Load report assets via CDN ( |
--assetsDir | string | [cwd]/mochawesome-report/assets | Path to save report assets (js/css) |
--charts | boolean | false | Display Suite charts |
--code | boolean | true | Display test code |
--autoOpen | boolean | false | Automatically open the report |
--overwrite | boolean | true | Overwrite existing report files. See notes. |
--timestamp, --ts | string | | Append timestamp in specified format to report filename. See notes. |
--showPassed | boolean | true | Set initial state of "Show Passed" filter |
--showFailed | boolean | true | Set initial state of "Show Failed" filter |
--showPending | boolean | true | Set initial state of "Show Pending" filter |
--showSkipped | boolean | false | Set initial state of "Show Skipped" filter |
--showHooks | string | failed | Set the default display mode for hooks |
--saveJson | boolean | false | Should report data be saved to JSON file |
--saveHtml | boolean | true | Should report be saved to HTML file |
--dev | boolean | false | Enable dev mode (requires local webpack dev server) |
-h, --help | | | Show CLI help |
Boolean options can be negated by adding --no
before the option. For example: --no-code
would set code
to false
By default, report files are overwritten by subsequent report generation. Passing --overwrite=false
will not replace existing files. Instead, if a duplicate filename is found, the report will be saved with a counter digit added to the filename. (ie. mochawesome_001.html
Note: overwrite
will always be false
when passing multiple files or using the timestamp
The timestamp
option can be used to append a timestamp to the report filename. It uses dateformat to parse format strings so you can pass any valid string that dateformat accepts with a few exceptions. In order to produce valid filenames, the following
replacements are made:
Characters | Replacement | Example | Output |
spaces, commas | underscore | Wed March 29, 2017 | Wed_March_29_2017 |
slashes | hyphen | 3/29/2017 | 3-29-2017 |
colons | null | 17:46:21 | 174621 |
If you pass true
as the format string, it will default to isoDateTime
mochawesome reporter-options
The above CLI flags can be used as reporter-options
when using the mochawesome reporter.
Use them in a .mocharc.js
module.exports = {
reporter: 'node_modules/mochawesome',
'reporter-option': [
'reportTitle=My\ Custom\ Title',
or as an object when using mocha programmatically:
const mocha = new Mocha({
reporter: 'mochawesome',
reporterOptions: {
overwrite: true,
reportTitle: 'My Custom Title',
showPassed: false
To develop locally, clone the repo and install dependencies. In order to test end-to-end you must also clone mochawesome into a directory at the same level as this repo.
You can start the dev server with npm run devserver
. If you are working on the CLI, use npm run dev:cli
to watch for changes and rebuild.
Running Tests
Unit Tests
To run unit tests, simply use npm run test
. You can also run a single unit test with npm run test:single path/to/test.js
Functional Tests
Functional tests allow you to run real-world test cases in order to debug the output report. First, start up the dev server in one terminal window with npm run devserver
. Then, in another window, run the tests with npm run test:functional
. This will generate a report that you can open in the browser and debug.
If you want to run a specific folder of functional tests:
npm run test:functional path/to/tests
Or if you want to run a single test:
npm run test:functional path/to/test.js
Or mix and match:
npm run test:functional path/to/some/tests path/to/another/test.js